Jumping Weights I/III / 2020 / fired and glazed clay, cherry wood
Jumping Weights I/I / 2020 / fired and glazed clay, cherry wood
Jumping Weights I/III / 2020 / fired and glazed clay, cherry wood
Jumping Weights I/I / 2020 / fired and glazed clay, cherry wood
Jumping Weights I/III / 2020 / fired and glazed clay, cherry wood
Jumping Weights I/I, IV / 2020 / fired and glazed clay, cherry wood
Jumping Weights IV / 2020 / fired and glazed clay, cherry wood
Jumping Weights IV / 2020 / fired and glazed clay, cherry wood
Jumping Weight III / 2020 / 29.7 x 21 cm / London 1st March
Jumping Weight I, II / 2020 / 29.7 x 21 cm / Side piece II — London 26th February
Jumping Weight I / 2020 / 29.7 x 21 cm / Side piece I, Bottom piece I — London 26th February
Variation Study / 2020 / 29.7 x 21 cm / based on Jumping Weight I, Berlin 27th April
Jumping Weight IV / 2020 / 29.7 x 21 cm / Top piece I — Berlin 27th April
Juming Weight I / 2020 / 29.7 x 21 cm / Top piece I — London 27th February
Map [untitled 3C6/7] Burgwall Spandau / 2011 / 29.7 x 21 cm / ink on paper (2 of 72 drawings)
Horse [Burgwall Spandau finding] horse in two views scale 2.5 / 2019 / 29.7 x 21 cm / charcoal on paper
Window Drawing [Horse] Hyde Park / 2019 / 29.7 x 21 cm / drawing on charcoal paper